Some of the greatest brunette shades consist of gorgeous rich auburn,warm red and pretty caramel highlights.
The lightness or darkness of hair color is rated on a range of one to 10,with one being a jet-black and 10 being a platinum blonde.
The lightness or darkness of hair color is rated on a range of one to 10,with one being a jet-black and 10 being a platinum blonde.
Most brunettes fall in the two to five range ,allowing them to go lighter or darker.When you go two levels lighter,you’re likely to get a really rich,
warm brown.
Under dark-medium brown hair are usually a strong red tone.Because brunettes get quite strong underlying red pigments ,adding a dye will raise the top color of the hair and bring out these reddish tones. When choosing the perfect shade of brown,take a look at your skin tone first.
All you will need some understanding on perfecting your shade .That starts with matching your brown hue with your skin tone .